Thanks for all of the happy birthday wishes / camera sympathy notes on my last post. I have a new camera now and we're slowly getting to know each other. I'm not sure yet if we're a match made in heaven but since we've just met, I'll see where this goes.
For now, it looks like it's going on a roadtrip!
New Camera and I are hitting the road in a few weeks for ten days of antiquing, thrifting, junking and flea market-ing and I'm pretty darn excited! I plan on attending the Sacramento Antique Fair and the Candlestick Park Antiques & Collectibles Faire and the rest of the time I'll be 'free-styling'.
(When did I start speaking American Picker?)
My upcoming roadtrip and recent conversations with other vintage-loving bloggers made me realize with the 2011 vintage markets, shows & sales upon us, there are vintage events popping up all over the place that I was unaware of. How did that happen?! And more importantly, how can I prevent it from happening again?
So I had an idea...
What if the information about vintage markets, sales & shows all around the U.S. was available in one place online? Wouldn't that make it easier for us buyers and sellers to be aware of upcoming vintage events?
I hope the answer is YES! because I've created a new blog just for this purpose and it's called Vintage Market Guide.
It's a piece of cake to use because all blog posts will be sorted by state or month/year, making it easy to locate vintage sales & events near you. There's also a google search bar in case you want to search for something more specific such as posts with the word 'barn' or 'junk' or Iowa' in them.
As often as possible, I'd like to include links to bloggers who may be selling at these shows in addition to information about nearby antique malls, thrift stores and architectural salvage shops in case you want to make a day of it. Or a week of it.
I can definitely use your help too, please.
I'll be adding vintage market listings as I come across them but if you know of a can't-miss vintage sale, large or small, and would like it to appear on Vintage Market Guide, email me or leave a comment with any information you might have (show name, dates, address, website, etc) and I'll post it and link to your blog if you like.
And I'll still be blogging away here at Into Vintage. It's because of the many vintage-minded folks I've met through Into Vintage that I was inspired to start Vintage Market Guide. Thank you!
Now let's get out there and do some vintage treasure hunting!