I've been trying all week to think of something funny to say about moving and I can't think of a single thing.
Perhaps you've been fortunate enough not to move recently. I'm pretty sure I've done enough moving for all of us as this is Move #4 in five years and somewhere in the fine print it says I can get my head examined for free with the fifth move. Sign me up.
And it's not the moving that's so bad, it's having to change names, identities and hair color every time. The disguises are really getting to me.
Just kidding there - no need to notify the authorities. All have been 'job-related' moves.
My little doily factory has been dismantled, numbered, catalogued and boxed. I'm up to 33 so far and I'm inching closer toward that final box -- you know the one -- that weird mix of random stuff like one flip flop, some loose rickrack, a can of spray paint, cat toys, a book about Cocker Spaniels and my wallet. Clearly labeled 'miscellaneous.'
Because that'll tell me everything I need to know four days from now when the unpacking begins.
Hoping to be settled very soon and looking forward to less of this
and more of this.
Be back soon!