It’s been pretty darn quiet here lately while sequestered on the couch with The Foot.
Daytime tv has a LOT of room for improvement and with every book & magazine in the house read and reread, I eventually turned my time and attention to ebay and etsy and the vintage fabrics waiting for me there.
I heart the internet.
I think the Doctor said "No ironing." At least that's what I heard.
And my broken foot and I are thrilled to have been promoted recently from the robotic velcro boot to an equally hideous item of medical footwear I refer to as The Shandal (shoe + sandal) because now I can drive again!
Yard sales!
My antique mall space!
My fingers (and some toes) are crossed that The Foot will continue to heal because I have big plans next week that involve driving.
Road trip!
First stop, beautiful Meadowbrook Farm.
I have the magical powers of vintage tablecloths to thank for this visit. And a generous invitation from Teresa of Meadowbrook Farm, of course.
Because it would be weird to just show up, right?
I thought so.
After seeing her incredible photos on her blog for a few years now, I am giddy with excitement to see Meadowbrook Farm in person.
Because it would be weird to just show up, right?
I thought so.
After seeing her incredible photos on her blog for a few years now, I am giddy with excitement to see Meadowbrook Farm in person.
From Meadowbrook Farm, I’m off to Farm Chicks! This will be my second trip to Farm Chicks and now that I know what to expect (great vintage junk, amazing displays, zillions of people’s behinds), I’m feeling more prepared.
Last year I experienced vintage junk overload as soon as I walked in the door.
Just hoping no one steps on my Shandal this year.
Any big plans for Memorial Day weekend? Hope it’s filled with fun things to do!
{ Thanks to all of you for your kind words, comments & emails about breaking my foot. You. Are. Awesome. XO!! -amy }