Home at last.
The past two weeks on the road flew by for me. In addition to thrifting, antiquing & junking, I spent a lot of time visiting much-missed family, friends and their adorable offspring. I stayed in two hotels and five different homes. I slept in a guest room, an office and a cabana.
Ashland Springs Hotel in Ashland, OR
I ate a lot of ice cream. (Vacation = Validation)
The weather went from sunny and warm to rainy and cold. I wish I had a vintage tablecloth for every Californian who learned I was from Oregon and then asked me if I brought the weather with me.
Would you like some tires with your dirt bike?
I shopped in over thirty antique and thrift stores. I went to one terrific estate sale, one disappointing barn sale and one ‘indoor yard sale.’ Actually, I never made it inside the indoor yard sale – my internal personal safety barometer started sounding the alarm and I decided to skip it.
And along the way I met many others who are also into vintage.
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I managed to return with a modest amount of treasures mixed with an abundance of experiences.
It’s good to be home.