The Pacific Northwest's never-ending rain decided to take a day off this past weekend, long enough for the Garage Where Cars Can't Park to have it's bulkier vintage acquisitions unloaded, organized and then reloaded into what is now unofficially known as The Garage Where Cars Still Can't Park.
I felt a little sorry for all the people driving by who slowed down to check out the loot stacked up in my driveway, hoping for a yard sale.
I would have done exactly the same thing.
There's still no room for a car but we'll return to our regularly scheduled parking some time after Labor Day.
Here's a few glimpses of what I've been bringing home in anticipation of selling at vintage events this summer.
Beautifully weathered Adirondack chair.
A fresh bouquet of wooden tulips.
(sitting on top of Typewriter Table #1)
Rusty, crusty Typewriter Table #2 that the seller wrote the price on in black Sharpie marker. I think we all know how I feel about that.
Chippy bistro chair. There are two of these. Found them this weekend with the Adirondack chair.
This might be the wild card -- a dresser without drawers. I pictured it being used as a potting table or something along those lines. Maybe you have some ideas?
And the Sweeney Todd cabinet. The little wood shelf on top is a minor project even though I told myself "Self, no projects." I've been reading so much about chalk paint on Miss Mustard Seed's blog that I have to give it a try.
Hope your week is going great so far!