Maybe by now you’ve had a chance to check out Pinterest, the website where you can ‘pin’ photos from the internet to your personal ‘pinboards’.
Occasionally you might even come across photos from your very own blog!
WARNING: I have found Pinterest to be extremely addictive and now know it should not be viewed unless one is prepared to abandon all previously scheduled activities and perhaps be willing to skip a meal or two while under its spell.
If you want to see if a photo has been pinned from your blog, replace the xxxxxx with your blog's name:
For instance, to see what’s been pinned from Into Vintage, I would use this:
One photo from this blog that’s been pinned is this vintage ornament tree I made last year.
And yesterday another vintage-loving blogger, Charlene, emailed me to share her version of the ornament tree:
I love it! And she was so clever to do this on a real door – why didn’t I think of that?
See all of her photos on her blog, Willow & Paisley.
Now I’m wondering…are there more of these vintage ornament trees out there?
In other news, the exciting Third Annual Academy of Vintage Christmas Ornament Arts and Sciences Award Ceremony (um, does that name get longer every year?) is underway over at Oodles and oodles.
This year’s winners have been announced including the highly anticipated “Best Christmas Ornament Reminiscent of a Joni Mitchell Song.”
You’ll see.
PS You can click HERE to see what I’ve ‘pinned’ onto Pinterest.
I’m going to stop saying ‘pin’ and just say pin now. Pin.